Four Essential Precautions for Effective Water Bore Drilling

Posted on: 11 March 2019


Drilling a water bore on your property can be a highly beneficial undertaking. This drilling process will provide access to the underground aquifers. As a result, you will have access to plenty of water for diverse uses, including large-scale irrigation, livestock watering and general household applications. This type of water source is convenient, economical in the long-term and renewable. However, it is essential to remember that water bore drilling can be a complicated process. Here are crucial tips to help you avoid common pitfalls.

Check the Water Quality

It is important to know the quality of water in your aquifers before drilling a borehole. In simple terms, you cannot drill for underground water blindly. If you do, you might find that the water underneath is not suitable for your planned uses. For instance, the water might not be suitable for animal and human consumption. Therefore, it is important to consult a well specialist to assess your grounds. The expert will help you determine if quality of water is suitable. Moreover, they can check on the quantity and help you avoid poor financial decisions.

Consider the Permit Needs

Drilling a bore on your property is a major project. Therefore, you cannot proceed without getting the relevant permits from the local authorities. The specific permits and the application processes for a water bore permit will depend on your area of residence. You should make time to check on the local groundwater regulations and codes in your territory or state. Alternatively, consult a qualified drilling contractor before proceeding. Remember, failing to get a permit could mean legal problems in the future.

Plan for Future Access

When planning for bore drilling, you should think about your access to the water. In simple terms, it is important to ensure that your borehole is not drilled too far from the point of use. If the structure is established in an inconvenient place, you will need to put more funds into pumping and piping. You should also consider access for regular maintenance. An inconveniently located bore will make upkeep, water checks, pump care, cleanings and general inspections difficult.

Think About Contamination  

Finally, you should ensure that your water will be protected from contamination. The presence of pollutants can render your groundwater unusable, and the resulting losses could be crippling. Therefore, you should ensure that your borehole is located in a place far from potential contaminants. For instance, septic tanks, roads and drain fields present a high contamination risk. Also, remember to plan for the shielding of the borehole after drilling.