How Concrete Catch Basins Can Protect Your Commercial Landscaping Project

Posted on: 8 March 2022


If you are building a new commercial structure on its own, stand-alone plot, you'll want to pay close attention to the landscaping once you have designed the main structure itself. As first impressions count, you may want to introduce several landscaping features and possibly some undulating land so that everything looks good and creates the perfect impression. Yet before you invest your money in all of those landscaping features, ensure that they can cope with whatever nature throws their way. In particular, make a plan to deal with stormwater run-off by installing a concrete catch basin or two. How should you plan for this type of installation?

Anticipating the Problem

If you are starting from scratch and intend to introduce slopes or undulations, work with a landscape designer to come up with some projections. They will help you anticipate how stormwater may run off and affect other parts of your landscaping, the structure itself or neighbouring properties.

Designing Catch Basins

Then, think about introducing catch basins so that you can gather the rainwater and direct the flow towards adjacent storm drains or other water features. You need to consider the weather patterns for your area, which you can often get from your local authority and which will help you plan accordingly. By the way, you may need to prove that you have taken all of these factors into account before you will get final planning permission for the type of construction you have in mind.

Getting Down to Work

Once you are clear about your objectives, ensure that the landscaping design has appropriate slopes that will direct heavy water to your proposed catch basins. You will need to dig the appropriate trenches, which will probably call for heavy equipment and make sure that said trenches are wide enough to contain pipes with a large enough diameter.

Gathering Water

You may also need to add French drains in the vicinity, which are essentially large holes filled with gravel. The rainwater can sink down through these drains before flowing into your catch basin, and you may need to install additional pipes below ground to link everything together.

Concrete Construction

Concrete catch basins are best which should sit on gravel bedding. Ensure that the gravel is well placed and compacted without any voids. Otherwise, the concrete catch basin could sink and crack depending on the nature of the surrounding soil and the amount of water present.

Expert Input

To ensure that you succeed and avoid any water-related landscaping disasters, work with a professional commercial concrete contractor. They will help you design and install your catch basin as soon as possible.